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Hobart United is a soccer team unlike any other in Australia.


Trained by charismatic African coach Eddie Mohammed, the team is made up from many different cultural groups - migrants, refugees and underprivileged Tasmanian misfits.


They play differently, behave differently and think differently.

And deep in the heartland of AFL country not everybody is happy….


Faced with assimilating into a new community, we watch as these new Australians battle with authority, reconcile their differences and secure a permanent home ground for their club, all whilst dealing with the deep trauma of their pasts.



This feature documentary is about a soccer club that serves the community in a unique way.


When a Sudanese student started the club in 2002, he had no idea it would grow to a group of 30 nationalities that represent the disadvantaged in such a significant way. With no money, no home ground, volunteer coaches and managers, this club is the positive self help group that is the quintessential expression of what is possible when those with nothing create a team that means everything to those on society's fringe.


With Eddie Mohammed, their charismatic coach and father figure, we explore his team as they live their lives on and off field in the 2017 season.

the story

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