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the film crew

Natalia Laska is a Polish journalist with 20 years’ experience as an reporter and photographer. Published in the Polish weekly Polityka, Newsweek, Elle, Playboy and the German magazines Polen+ and FrauenRat. Worked for TVP1, and for Channel 4(Poland).In Tasmania she has made a feature-length documentary, Sweet Running Machines, which premiered at the BOFA Festival in 2016.

Michael Gissing is a documentary specialist. From his start at Channel 10 news, freelancing for Sixty Minutes and post producing close to 1,000 documentaries. For nearly 40 years he worked on iconic independent productions, won the Stanley Hawes Award for documentary lifetime achievement and has mentored young film makers through the Raw Nerve initiative.



Heath Brown is an composer with a strong focus on collaborative projects. His work ranges from film and TV, to performing arts and installation. He has written scores for three feature films Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla, 41 and El Monstro Del Mar!



Heather Kirkpatrick independently produced, directed and distributed the feature documentary "Mary Meets Mohammad". Her film follows the unlikely friendship between local Christian woman and knitting club member Mary, and Muslim, Afghan, Hazara asylum seeker, Mohammad.





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